Research Grants
Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Small: Towards Secure, Resilient, Privacy-enhancing Digital World Experiences
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
NCSU Award: $400,000
Award #: CNS-2350075
Duration: 3 years (July 2024 - June 2027)
Lead PI: Anupam Das (NCSU), Co-PI: Yuchen Liu (NCSU), Mingzhe Cheng (Univeristy of Miami)
Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Securing Continuous Integration Workflows
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Total Amount: $1,200,000
NCSU Amount: $400,000
Award #: CNS-2247688
Duration: 4 years (July 2023 - June 2027)
PI: Aravind Machiry (Purdue University) ; co-PIs: Alexandros Kapravelos (NCSU), Nikos Vasilakis (Brown University)
Title: Predictors of Privacy Preferences in Social Virtual Reality
Sponsor: Meta
Total Award: $100,000
Duration: 1 year (December 2022 - December 2023)
Lead PI: Anupam Das (NCSU), Co-PI: Yaxing Yao (UMBC), Yixin Zou (Max Planck Institute for Security and Privacy)
Title: Physical Context-aware Voice Assistant for Smart Homes
Sponsor: Meta
Total Award: $75,000
Duration: 1 year (November 2022 - November 2023)
Lead PI: Anupam Das (NCSU), Co-PI: Nirupam Roy (UMD)
Title: Collaborative Research: IMR: MM-1C: Privacy-preserving IoT Analytics and Behavior Prediction on Network Edge
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
NCSU Amount: $300,000
Award #: CNS-2219866
Duration: 3 years (Oct. 01, 2022 – Sept. 30, 2025)
PI: Anupam Das, Co-PI: Danny Y. Huang (NYU)
Title: Collaborative: SaTC: Frontiers: Enabling a Secure and Trustworthy Software Supply Chain
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
NCSU Amount: $6,344,481
Award #: CNS-2207008
Duration: 5 years (October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2027)
PI: Laurie Williams (NCSU); Co-PI: Michel Cukier (UMD), William Enck (NCSU), Christian Kaestner (CMU), Alexandros Kapravelos (NCSU), Yasemine Acar (GWU)
Title: CAREER: Increasing Trust and Reducing Abuse in Telephone Networks
Sponsor: NSF
Total Award: $606,848
Award #: CNS-2142930
Duration: 5 years (July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2027)
PI: Bradley Reaves
Title: Privacy-Preserving Analytics for Emerging IoT Devices
Sponsor: Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA) - NCSU Research Site
Total Award: $60,000
Duration: 1.5 years (July 01, 2022 – December 31, 2023)
PI: Anupam Das
Title: Exploring Mechanisms for Anonymity and Uniqueness in Blockchain applications
Sponsor: Horizen Labs
Total Award: $97,482
Duration: 1 year (Fall 2022 - Fall 2023)
PI: Alessandra Scafuro
Title: Private Decentralized Storage Systems
Sponsor: Protocol Labs
Total Award: $82,594.41
Duration: 1 year (Spring 2022 - Spring 2023)
PI: Alessandra Scafuro
Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Defending against Emerging Stateless Web Tracking
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
NCSU Amount: $799,030
Award #: CNS-2138138
Duration: 4 years (June 15, 2022 - May 31, 2026)
PI: Alexandros Kapravelos (NCSU); Co-PI: Zubair Shafiq (UC Davis), Anupam Das (NCSU)
Title: Collaborative Research: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Enabling Practically Secure Cellular Infrastructure
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
Award #: CNS-2054911
NCSU Amount: $601,966
Duration: 3 years (January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2024)
PI: William Enck, Co-PI: Kevin Butler (Univ. Florida)
Title: Analyzing the Effectiveness of Existing Security Indicators for the Alexa Skill Ecosystem
Sponsor: Amazon
Total Award: $35,000
Duration: 1 year (November 2021 - November 2022)
PI: Anupam Das
Title: Fingerprinting IoT Devices at Real Time using Encrypted Traffic
Sponsor: Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics (CARTA) - NCSU Research Site
Total Award: $60,000
Duration: 2 years (July 01, 2021 – June 30, 2023)
PI: Anupam Das
Title: SaTC: CORE: Small: Risk-based Secure Checked-in Credential Reduction for Software Development
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
Award #: CNS-2055554
Amount: $399,708
Duration: 3 years (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2024)
PI: Laurie Williams, Co-PI: Brad Reaves
Title: SaTC: CORE: Small: Detecting Vulnerabilities and Remediations in Software Dependencies
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
Award #: CNS-1946273
Amount: $499,928
Duration: 3 years (October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2023)
PI: William Enck, Co-PI: Brad Reaves
Title: SHF: Small: Detecting the 1%: Growing the Science of Vulnerability Detection
Award #: CNS-1909516
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Total Award: $499,998
Duration: 3 years (Oct. 1, 2020 - Sept. 30, 2022)
PI: Laurie Williams, Timothy Menzies
Title: Improving Crop Productivity and Value Through Heterogeneous Data Integration, Analytics, and Decision Support Platforms
Sponsor: Game-Changing Research Incentive Program for Plant Sciences (GRIP4PSI)
Total Award: $556,250
Duration: 3 years (Feb 17, 2020 - June 30, 2023)
co-PI: Alessandra Scafuro, Williams, Kudenov, Nelson, Jones, Huseth . Sozzani, Ogan, Boyette, Michael, Grieger, Kuzm, Yencho, Lobaton.
Title: Machine Learning Integrity
Sponsor: NSA LAS DO6
Total Award: $116,075
Duration: 1 years (Jan 1, 2020 - December 31, 2020)
PI: Laurie Williams
Title: Defining Security Policy in Distributed Environments using Network Views
Sponsor: ONR
Award #: N00014-20-1-2696
Amount: $1,033,306 (NCSU: $708,319)
Duration: 3 years (December 1, 2019 - November 30, 2022)
PI: William Enck, Co-PIs: Cristina Nita-Rotaru (Northeastern), Brad Reaves
Title: Detection of File Access Re-Delegation in Android APIs
Sponsor: Google ASPIRE
Amount: $65,000
Duration: 1 year (August 5, 2019 - August 4, 2020)
PI: William Enck
Title: P4: Reasoning about Accidental and Malicious Misuse via Formal Models of User Expectations and Software Systems
Sponsor: NSA SoSL at NC State
Amount: $1,292,765
Duration: 4 years (October 1, 2018 - September 14, 2022)
PI: Munindar Singh, Co-PIs: William Enck, Laurie Williams
Title: CRII: SaTC: Analyzing Information Leak in Smart Homes
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Award #: 1849997
Total Award: $174,995
Duration: 2 years (June 1, 2019 – May 31, 2021)
PI: Anupam Das
Title: CRII: SaTC: Techniques for Measuring and Characterizing Robocalls
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Award #: 1849994
Total Award: $174,999
Duration: 2 years (May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2021)
PI: Bradley Reaves
Title: CHECRS: Cognitive Human Enhancements for Cyber Reasoning Systems
Total award: $11,070,493; NCSU Amount: $884,817
Duration: November 29, 2018 - January 15, 2021 (3.5 years)
Award #: FA8750-19-C-0003
PI: Ruoyu (Fish) Wang (ASU), co-PIs:
Yan Shoshitaishvili, Tiffany Bao, Adam Doupé, Chitta Baral, Stephanie Forrest,
Alexandros Kapravelos,
Davide Balzarotti, Yanick Fratantonio,
Giovanni Vigna, Christopher Kruegel,
Antonio Bianchi
Title: Science of Security Lablet: Impact through Research, Scientific Methods, and Community Development
Sponsor: NSA
Total Award: $2,190,895
Duration: 5years (April 4, 2018 - Sept 14, 2022)
PI: Laurie Williams, Munindar Singh
Title: Real-time Cyber Knowledge Platform for Web Threats
Sponsor: Center for Accelerated Real Time Analytics - NCSU Research Site
Total Award: $60,000
Duration: 1 year (July 2018 - June 30, 2019)
PI: Alexandros Kapravelos
Title: CSR:Medium:SmartChainDB - Enabling Smart Marketplaces With A Scalable Semantically-Enhanced Blockchain Platform
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Award #: 1764025
Total Award: $499,773
Duration: 3 years (October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2024
PI: Kemafor Ogan; co-PI: Alessandra Scafuro, Binil Starly
Title: Analysis of Hash-Based Signatures Schemes in the QROM
Sponsor: Silicon Valley Community Foundation (CISCO)
Total Award: $96,752
Duration: 1 year (December 1, 2017 - December 31, 2018)
PI: Alessandra Scafuro
Title: SaTC: CORE: Small: Collaborative: A Broad Treatment of Privacy in Blockchains
Sponsor: NSF
Award #: 1718074
Total Award: $499,922
NCSU amount: $249,922
Duration: 3 years (September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2020)
PI: Alessandra Scafuro; co-PI: Foteini Baldmitsi (GMU)
Title: An Innovative Curriculum for Cybersecurity Education
Sponsor: NSA
Contract: H98230-17-1-0225
Total Award: $210,797
Duration: 1 year (April 2017 - April 2018)
PI: Douglas Reeves; co-PI: Jason King
Title: XS-Shredder: A Cross-Layer Framework for Removing Code Bloat in Web Applications
Sponsor: ONR
Award #: 1703375
Total Award: $1,230,547
NCSU amount: $300,000
Duration: 2 years (July 2017 - June 30, 2019)
NCSU PI: Alexandros Kapravelos; PI: Adam Doupé; Co-PIs: Manuel Egele, Nick Nikiforakis
Title: SaTC: CORE: Medium: Collaborative: Taming Web Content Through Automated Reduction in Browser Functionality
Sponsor: NSF
Award #: 1703375
Total Award: $1,199,787
NCSU Amount: $406,609
Duration: 4 years (September 1, 2017 - August 31, 2021)
NCSU PI: Alexandros Kapravelos; PI: Adam Doupé (ASU); co-PI: Engin Kirda (NEU)
Title: Correct Enforcement of Access Control Policy in Modern Operating Systems
Sponsor: ARO
Award #: W911NF-16-1-0299
Total Award: $411,895
Duration: 3 years (May 9, 2016 - May 8, 2019)
PI: William Enck
Title: Enhancing Network-level Defenses with End-Host Context
Sponsor: NSA LAS DO6
Total Award: $82,262
Duration: 1 year (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2016)
PI: William Enck
Title: TWC: Medium: Collaborative: Improving Mobile-Application Security via Text Analytics
NCSU PI: William Enck; PI: Tao Xie (UIUC); co-PIs: Carl Gunter (UIUC), ChengXiang Zhai (UIUC)
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
Award #: 1513690
NCSU Amount: $300,000
Duration: 3 years (July 1, 2015 - June 30, 2018)
Title: CAREER: Secure OS Views for Modern Computing Platforms
PI: William Enck
Award #: 1253346
Amount: $400,000
Duration: 5 years (February 1, 2013 - January 31, 2018)
Title: Enhancing Play Store Security and Privacy Hygiene with User Expectations
NCSU PI: William Enck; Co-PI: Tao Xie (UIUC)
Sponsor: Google Research Award
Amount: $47,500 (NCSU)
Duration: 1 year (August 26, 2014 - August 25, 2015)
Title: Refining Security Policy for Smartphone Applications
PI: William Enck
Sponsor: ARO STIR
Amount: $49,726
Duration: 9 mo (August 15, 2014 - May 14, 2015)
Title: R5: Smart Isolation in Large-scale Production Computing Infrastructures
PI: Xiaohui (Helen) Gu; Co-PI: William Enck
Sponsor: NSA SoSL at NCSU
Amount: $527,450 (estimated)
Duration: 3 years (March 27, 2014 - March 27, 2017)
Title: TWC: Small: Collaborative: Characterizing the Security Limitations of Accessing the Mobile Web
NCSU PI: William Enck; PI: Patrick Traynor (GaTech)
Sponsor: NSF SaTC
Award #: 1222680
Amount: $167,000 (NCSU)
Duration: 3 years (October 1, 2012 - September 30, 2015)
Title: Attaining Least Privilege Through Automatic Partitioning of Hybrid Programs
PI: William Enck; Co-PI: Xiaohui (Helen) Gu
Sponsor: NSA SoSL at NCSU
Amount: $435,127
Duration: 2.5 years (January 1, 2012 - June 24, 2014)
Title: Modeling the Risk of User Behavior on Mobile Devices
PI: Ben Watson; Co-PIs: William Enck, Anne McLaughlin, Michael Rappa
Sponsor: NSA SoSL at NCSU
Amount: $382,628
Duration: 1.5 years (January 1, 2013 - June 24, 2014)
Title: Computer-aided Human Centric Cyber Situation Awareness
PI: Douglas Reeves, Christopher Healey; Co-PI: Peng Ning, R. Michael Young
Sponsor: US Army / Institute for NEXT Generation IT Systems at Penn State University
Amount: $979,464
Duration: 6 years (September 17, 2009 - July 31, 2015)
Title: TWC: Frontier: Collaborative: Rethinking Security in the Era of Cloud Computing
Sponsor: NSF
Award #: 1330553
NCSU Amount: $584,410
Duration: 5 years (September 1, 2013 - August 31, 2018)
NCSU PI: William Enck (transferred from Mladen Vouk; transferred from Peng Ning); PI: Mike Reiter (UNC-CH); co-PIs: Aditya Akella (UW-Madison), Jeff Chase (Duke), Ari Juels (Cornell Tech), Tom Ristenpart (Cornell Tech), Vyas Sekar (CMU), Mike Swift (UW Madison)