
Wolfpack Security and Privacy Research Lab

Welcome to the Wolfpack Security and Privacy Research (WSPR) Laboratory in the department of Computer Science at North Carolina State University.

The WSPR Laboratory (pronounced “whisper”) models, designs, builds, and validates technology that protects users, systems, and networks from malicious and privacy-infringing acts. The group’s seven faculty members and affiliated students work on all areas of cybersecurity, from designing new cryptographic constructs to ensure protected execution of code to empirical studies on how software is secured by developers; from finding flaws in existing operating systems to building systems resilient from known attacks; from detecting malicious activity such as malware and denial of service attacks to building networks and mechanisms to prevent abuse. The WSPR Lab works to secure all types of computer systems, from legacy telephone networks to emerging technologies like smartphones and Internet of Things devices.

How to Get Involved

If you are a student at NCSU and are interested in …

If you are an industry organization seeking to collaborate, look at the research page and the web pages of the WSPR Faculty and feel free to contact them directly. You may also email our general contact alias,

Recent News

April 8, 2024: Our paper, Pairing Security Advisories with Vulnerable Functions Using Open-Source LLMs has been accepted for publication at the 2024 Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware & Vulnerability Assessment (DIMVA).

April 3, 2024: Our paper, RANsacked: A Domain-Informed Approach for Fuzzing LTE and 5G RAN-Core Interfaces has been accepted for publication at the 2024 ACM Conference on Computer and Communcations Security (CCS).

March 23, 2024: Our paper, 5GAC-Analyzer: Identifying Over-Privilege Between 5G Core Network Functions has been accepted for publication at the 2024 ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec).

March 12, 2024: Our paper, VFCFinder: Pairing Security Advisories and Patches has been accepted for publication at the 2024 ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security (AsiaCCS).

February 29, 2024: We received a distinguished paper award at NDSS for our paper, UntrustIDE: Exploiting Weaknesses in VS Code Extensions.

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